Trump Tries to Lure Suburban Women Back into the Fold

Will the President’s fear tactics work?

William Carter
2 min readOct 18, 2020

Many female voters are repulsed by the President’s patronizing attitude along with his mishandling of the pandemic and race relations. Republican women are moving away from Trump and crossing over to Biden. Republicans should worry because some of these former Trump voters could become permanent Democrats.

The President is trying to lure them back with fear tactics. He tells them if Biden wins, crime from immigrants will be their new normal, and there will be riots in the streets. He says, “suburban housewives of America” will be safe because he blocked an Obama era policy of placing low income housing in the suburbs. He’s the only one who can save them.

“Would you like a nice low-income housing project next to your suburban beautiful ranch style house? Generally speaking, no,” Trump said in Muskegon, Michigan Saturday night. “I saved your suburbs — women — suburban women, you’re supposed to love Trump,” he said.

The President needs the suburban women vote if he is to win the election. Yet, until recently, he has done nothing to increase his appeal beyond his base. He wants suburban women back in his camp, yet has criticized Governor Whitmer of Michigan for locking down her state because of the pandemic, and offered little sympathy when the FBI foiled the plot to kidnap her. She rightfully blamed him for it because of his tolerance of white nationalist groups.

Suburban women want honesty and integrity from their President, not insults. It is mothers who endure the brunt of the pandemic. They are the folks homeschooling their kids. Yet, this President has done little to halt the spread of COVID-19. He keeps saying “we’ve turned the corner”.

We have not turned the corner Mr. President. And, fear tactics don’t work.



William Carter

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